LifeFocus by Michael Hyatt: Achieve More and Reduce Stress

Feeling overwhelmed and like you’re constantly chasing your to-do list? You’re not alone. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel stressed and struggle to achieve our goals. But what if there was a system designed to help you accomplish more and reduce stress?

Enter LifeFocus, a productivity system created by Michael Hyatt, a renowned author, speaker, and business coach. LifeFocus is more than just a collection of tips and tricks; it’s a holistic approach that helps individuals identify their priorities, set effective goals, and eliminate distractions to achieve a sense of accomplishment and well-being.

What is LifeFocus?

LifeFocus is a life planning program that helps you create a simple, effective plan to raise your life’s trajectory over the next ten years.

LifeFocus by Michael Hyatt:

    What you get with LifeFocus?

    It is a comprehensive program that includes a variety of materials, including:

    • 9 Life Domain Card Decks: These cards cover different areas of your life, such as health, relationships, career, and finances.
    • 1 Personal Mission Card Deck: This deck helps you identify your core values and purpose in life.
    • 1 Personal Values Card Deck: This deck helps you identify your personal values.
    • LifeFocus Guided Workbook: This workbook guides you through the LifeFocus process, step-by-step.
    • LifeFocus Final Life Plan Book: This book is where you will document your final life plan.

    LifeFocus Packages

    There are three versions of the LifeFocus Package available:

    1. LifeFocus Kit :

    This package includes:

    • 9 Life Domain Card Decks
    • 1 Personal Mission Card Deck
    • 1 Personal Values Card Deck
    • LifeFocus Guided Workbook
    • LifeFocus Final Life Plan Book
    • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

    2. LifeFocus Course: 

    This package includes:

    • 9 Life Domain Card Decks
    • 1 Personal Mission Card Deck
    • 1 Personal Values Card Deck
    • LifeFocus Guided Workbook
    • LifeFocus Final Life Plan Book
    • Course Videos
    • 1-year, On-Demand Course Access
    • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

    3. LifeFocus Retreat: 

    This package includes:

    • 9 Life Domain Card Decks
    • 1 Personal Mission Card Deck
    • 1 Personal Values Card Deck
    • LifeFocus Guided Workbook
    • LifeFocus Final Life Plan Book
    • Course Videos
    • 1-year, On-Demand Course Access
    • 1 Ticket to LifeFocus Live Retreat (April 5-6, 2024)
    • 1-Year Event Recording Access
    • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

    Benefits of LifeFocus

    LifeFocus offers a multitude of benefits for individuals seeking to:

    • Increase Productivity: By eliminating distractions and focusing on high-value activities, LifeFocus empowers you to achieve more in less time.
    • Reduce Stress and Overwhelm: The clarity and structure provided by LifeFocus help alleviate the feeling of being overwhelmed, leading to a calmer and more focused mind.
    • Improve Work-Life Balance: LifeFocus encourages you to define your ideal life and prioritize tasks accordingly, promoting a healthier balance between work and personal life.
    • Experience Additional Benefits: LifeFocus can also lead to improved decision-making, increased confidence, and enhanced creativity.

    How to Implement LifeFocus

    Getting started with LifeFocus is easy. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

    1. Identify Your Roles: Begin by listing your core life roles (e.g., professional, family, personal) and the responsibilities associated with each.
    2. Set SMART Goals: Define SMART goals for each role, ensuring they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.
    3. Prioritize Ruthlessly: Not all tasks are created equal. ruthlessly prioritize tasks that directly contribute to your most important goals and eliminate distractions.
    4. Schedule Time Effectively: Create a schedule that allocates specific time blocks for focused work on your prioritized tasks, appointments, and other important activities.
    5. Review and Adjust: Regularly review your progress, goals, and overall plan. Don’t be afraid to adjust your priorities and schedule as needed.

    Additional Tips and Resources

    • Time Management Techniques: Implementing time management techniques like the Pomodoro Technique or timeboxing can further enhance your focus and productivity.
    • Overcoming Challenges: Everyone faces challenges when implementing a new system. Be prepared to address common obstacles like staying focused and overcoming procrastination.
    • Additional Resources: To delve deeper into LifeFocus, explore Michael Hyatt’s website or books, or consider enrolling in online courses or coaching programs offered by him or other productivity experts.


    LifeFocus can empower you to transform your productivity, reduce stress, and achieve a more fulfilling life. Take the first step today and experience the positive impact it can have on you.

    The LifeFocus Package is currently available for preorder. The kit will ship in March 2024 and the course will be released in April 2024.


    • What’s different about LifeFocus® compared to other life planning methods I’ve tried?

    LifeFocus is a gamified approach to life planning, making the process easier, faster, and more enjoyable. You won’t be faced with morbid, end-of-life questions that hone in on a single life domain—you’ll dive into every life domain that matters to you. And since the prompts take care of most of the writing, you don’t need to worry about a blank page to get in the way of creating an exciting life plan.

    • Which LifeFocus® package is right for me?

    It really depends on how you learn, and what you want to get out of it. 

    If you’re a self-starter, budget-conscious, or just want to dip your toes in the water of life planning, the LifeFocus Kit may be your best choice.

    If you get better results from a structured program, or learn better from video, then the LifeFocus Course package is worth looking at.

    And if you want live interaction, and like the idea of working through LifeFocus in a live, online environment in addition to everything in the other two packages, then the LifeFocus Event Package may be your best option.

    • At what age is it too late to create a life plan?

    It’s never too late! Every day and year of your life deserves to be lived on purpose—prioritizing what matters most to you. The gifts and ROI of being present and intentional never ends, and effects every moment of your life and the quality of it until the day we die. A life plan can serve as a guide to how you want to spend your days. Even author Gladys McGarey, MD has a 10-year plan for her life and the age of 103!

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